
the technological art vs human endeavors laser engraving

 When searching for laser equipment, the best place to start is the Epilog company website. They have laser engraving equipment which is available in a three tier range starting as a starter series which is more of a mass scale production machine. The Starter series is perfect for high level engraving of accessories or for businesses that are just starting out.
 The width of the laser beam is controlled by setting the optical wavelength. The beam cuts through the surface of the object engraved at a similar width with the heat either vaporizing or breaking off material from the surface. Because of vaporization, it is necessary to have a good exhaust and ventilation system to prevent the accumulation of toxic gases.
Engraving machines are often used on glass products such as mugs or champagne glasses. This is usually part of a commemorative gifts business. In such a business, souvenirs of events and special occasions are sold in the form of beer mugs, wine glasses, champagne glasses, etc.
 There are numerous advantages of using a laser over other methods of engraving. First, laser engraving tools are a beam of light, there is no product contact, resulting in lesser chances of product damage or deformation. Second, there are no consumables for laser engraving; hence the operating costs are minimal.
CO2 laser cutting machine are used for industrial cutting of many materials including mild steel, aluminum, stainless steel, titanium, paper, wax, plastics, wood, and fabrics. YAG lasers are primarily used for cutting and scribing metals and ceramics. In addition to the power source, the type of gas flow can affect performance as well.
Laser hair removal or light-based hair removal is based upon the principles of selective photothermolysis-which states that the light energy must be well absorbed by the targeted chromophore for efficacy and less well absorbed by competing chromophore(s) to prevent collateral thermal damage. In the case of Laser hair reduction, the targeted chromophore is perifollicular melanin and the competing chromophore is epidermal melanin. Lasers are single wavelength devices with absorption coefficients relatively specific to the chromophores they are intended to target.
 Jewelry is the most frequent choice for the engraving messages. The messages youl find on the wedding rings and pendants that can be engraved by using laser marking technology. Jewelries are made by metals and to engrave something on the metals you must use the laser technology because nothing left technology is work out there.

